I don't want to write another motivational book about money. Or wealth.
There are already plenty of these books, and hundreds are easily good. Then, of course, thousands of books on this topic motivate you to become rich.
And this is definitely not a financial planning book.
I wrote this book for my loved ones to read. I believe the greatest wealth I can pass down to my children is my knowledge of how I became debt-free and never had to worry about money.
While there are some books I can recommend, none carry the exact advice I want to give and the entire principles of money I'm currently applying. So, I'm going to put all of them in a book.
Truth is, I got the idea of writing MONEY: Present and Future after watching a YouTube video.
You see, in 2019, there was a video of Logan Paul interviewing a kid who was 15 years old at that time. That kid's name is Jack Doherty. At that time, while he was just a kid, he bought his own house. He was making 6 figures in income from YouTube, maybe even a million dollars.
Anyway, the interesting story is not just about making so much money - But also about having a financial education about MONEY and how he learned to invest at a young age.
If he had that knowledge, I doubt he'd have faced any challenges in achieving financial freedom later in his life.
Because at the same time, many kids, such as young actors, amass a lot of money, yet they become poor in their adult lives.
That made me curious about financial independence in our society today.
What if...
I can teach my children about money while they're still schooling...
Wouldn't it be amazing if they had a stable income stream before they even completed their studies in colleges or universities?
This way, when they want to start working, they can pick a job they would be interested in, instead of picking a job based on how much they can earn from the salary.
That's why I'm writing MONEY: Present And Future.
It's a self-serving reason. Really.
And in my opinion, if I'm confident the information in the book can transform my children's life, why should I be selfish and keep it from others?
The fact is, for adults too.
To me, unless you're already 70, then perhaps there's little this book could do to change your financial situation. And ironically, money should not even be on your priority list to attain at this age bracket (unless you're in a dire state).
If you have your hands on this book before it's too late, you can still create the path to living happily with money.
Meaning money would not burden you anymore.
Because money affects everything in your life.
Want to have a better relationship?
Having money helps because you can need to trade time for money and use your available time to spend it with someone you like or care.
Of course. Less trading time for money would mean you'll have more time to participate in exercises and even sleep more.
Money will also allow you to get supplements for your body's nutrients.
YES – many things in life, especially happiness, can be attained without money.
But why refuse the rest of the happiness that can be gained with money as leverage?